It’s 2024 Blog Delurking Week!


The first week of January is traditionally International Blog Delurking Week, but it slipped my mind so we ‘re doing it a little late.

Without further ado…


Delurkpalooza 2024!

Show thyself, dear blog reader! Whether you’re old or new, whether you commented before or not,  please stop by and tell us a little about yourself. Are you a student, faculty, or staff? Are you someone in a line of work outside academia? How did you find the blog? What do you most like to read about here on xykademiqz?

How was 2023 for you? What lifted your spirits? What are you looking forward to in 2024?

Come say ‘hi’ — we’d love to hear from you!


  1. Hello! I’m a female faculty member in the US in a science-adjacent field. Not sure when I started following you (years and years ago), but I mostly lurk on a bunch of female academic blogs. It’s nice to read shared experiences to know I’m not alone in some of the craziness and get ideas from those who are further along than I am.

  2. Hi! Can’t remember how I discovered you either, but like Anonymath, I lurk and occasionally comment on various female academic blogs. I’m in the UK in a history department. I think I’m faculty (research and teaching) – in the UK, everyone is staff, just either academic staff or admin/support staff.

  3. Hello! I’ve been reading since 2015, and continued even when I left academia for a few years, and when I rejoined back in home country.

    I enjoy your posts and your general vibe!

    2023 will be difficult to beat, it was an amazing year, when all stars aligned, all projects got funded, got tenure (again) and fulfilled some personal wishes I dreamt about for years.

    Hopefully 2024 is the year of consolidation at new U, of more exercise, less potato chips and more time with family and friends 😀

  4. I think I have been following you for more than a decade and probably discovered you from the Female Science Professor and Drug Monkey blog when I was still in academia and was still figuring out how things work in the US as a new immigrant with two little kids. I left academia about 7 years ago and started my own biotech company, reasonably successful. During this time, my kids, who were little, are now in high school and in college. I still publish since whatever we do is pushing the boundaries of science. Old habit dies hard, so whenever I have a moment during my day or I need a few minutes break, I go to your academic jungle blog and from there, a few other blogs that I like to read. I never got used to any new bloggers, so I just kept up with the old ones that I liked.

  5. I followed you here from your previous blog. I’m now retired, with new hobbies (acting and making pottery), but I still read your blog and dip occasionally into other academic media (like r/Professors). I may not be contributing to your blog stats, as I read via the RSS feed (yes, I’m an old-timer who still uses an RSS reader—inoreader in my case).

  6. Female research scientist here. I’ve been reading your blog (and the previous one) for many, many years. I halfway stepped outside academia last year (from a R1 to a non-profit research org) and got a 50% (!) raise, in case any of y’all were wondering how underpaid you are. 🙂

  7. OMG @Lucy congratulations! On the move, second tenure (!), and the fulfillment of personal wishes. That sounds like a really magical 2023. I hope your 2024 kicks 🍑!

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