Academaze is Out! Enter Raffle to Get a Free Book


Academaze” is out, and it’s glorious!

Paperback: Amazon | | Createspace

Ebook: Amazon | | GumRoad | iBooks | Kobo


Thanks to all advance readers — I hope you guys are enjoying the book!

Several early and detailed reviews are already up (in chronological order by date of appearance):

Pawel Niewiadomski

Elizabeth Haswell

Alex Small (Physicist at Large)

Clarissa’s Blog

Natalienne (Fill Your Bookshelf Blog)

All Amazon Reviews


To celebrate the publication of “Academaze,” here are some exciting giveaway options!

Enter “Academaze Raffle” to win a free paperback or ebook! (Ebooks sent anywhere in the world, paperback mailed within the US only.)

There are 2 ways to enter the raffle, and you can participate in both! There are multiple prizes, which will be divided between the two groups of entries.

Option 1. Fill out a simple form.

I would like to help some broke grad students and postdocs, so there will be a slight preference in choosing winners among those who are grad students or postdocs. (Your entries will be seen by no one but me and Melanie of Annorlunda Books, so I promise no spam will result from entering.)

Option 2. Help us spread the word about “Academaze”!

Via Twitter: Tweet about the book and make sure you use the hashtag #Academaze or refer to @AnnorlundaInc


Via Facebook: Mention the book in a public post and make sure you tag @AnnorlundaBooks

Raffle entries close on Friday, June 24th, at noon EST! The winners will be announced shortly thereafter, and the books mailed by the end of June.

(Update June 24, 12:31 EST: Raffle entries are now closed. Thanks for playing! Winners to be announced soon!)


The book turned out great, thanks to Melanie Nelson of Annorlunda Books (publisher), as well as Susan Lavoie (cover design) and Dora Dalton (editing services).

To all my wonderful blog readers: Bear with me for another week or so, and then I promise to stop talking about the book.

In the meantime, pick up a copy and enjoy!



  1. Congratulations. I will try to treat myself to a copy as soon as they are available in my country. I still love the touch of a paperback!

  2. Hi spanish-anon! I don’t know how this print-on-demand business works internationally, my guess is you just go ahead and order and the copy you end up getting will have been printed somewhere in Spain or elsewhere in Europe by a CreateSpace contractor (CreateSpace is the print-on-demand publishing arm of Amazon). I can tell you that the book is really nice to hold; it’s got some heft to it and the cover has a velvety texture to it, which I find quite pleasing. I hope that’s how it turns out wherever it gets printed for distribution in Spain! Let us know how you like it once you get a hold of a copy, and I hope you enjoy the book!

  3. I’m sure I will enjoy it! A friend in the social sciences noticed my tweet and asked me about it. So I’m going to lend the book to her when I’m done. If I end up winning the raffle, I’ll pass that copy on to one of the earlier career faculty for whom I serve as mentor.

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